Course image CO.[1A. S1] Disinformation in the Digital Age [Jean-François GODBOUT, Université de Montréal, Canada]
1A | Cours d'ouverture

Summary and Objectives:

This course aims to analyze the mechanisms and impacts of disinformation in our society. It explores the spread of false information on social media, the techniques used for their creation and dissemination, as well as strategies for identifying and neutralizing them. Special attention is given to disinformation related to elections, with a focus on recent political campaigns. The course also covers the use of artificial intelligence tools to generate multimodal disinformation (text, image, video, audio). By the end of this course, students will have gained an understanding of disinformation tactics and AI approaches for generating and detecting this type of content, while integrating theoretical principles related to political behavior and political communication to better understand its effects. 

The teaching of this course is interactive and takes place in the classroom. It is an intensive course spread over two weeks, with three sessions per week. The seven 90-minute classes are divided into two types of activities, totaling 12 hours of instruction. Five classes are exclusively dedicated to lectures on the material presented by the instructor, while the remaining two classes focus on group work and case studies. Note that on three separate days, there will be two 90-minute class sessions.